Parcheaza rapid, plateste usor si salveaza timp cu Parking Bucuresti.
Ce face aplicatia „Parking Bucuresti” pentru tine? Te ajuta sa:
- Identifici locurile disponibile din cea mai apropiata parcare;
- Afli traseul optim pana la parcarea aleasa;
- Platesti prin SMS sau online cu cardul bancar.
„Parking Bucuresti” este o aplicatie gratuita oferita de Compania Municipala Parking Bucuresti S.A. Autorii nu pot fi facuti responsabili de nicio consecinta ce decurge din folosirea aplicatiei, iar descarcarea ei constituie acordul pentru aceasta conditie de utilizare.
Fast parking, easy pays and saves time with Parking Bucharest.
What does Parking Bucharest do for you? It helps you:
- Identify available seats in the nearest parking lot;
- Find the optimal route to the chosen car park
- Pay by SMS or online with your bank card.
"Parking Bucharest" is a free application offered by Parking Company Bucharest S.A. The authors can not be held responsible for any consequences arising from the use of the application and its downloading constitutes the agreement for this condition of use.